About Me

Hello Everyone!
My name is Ian, and I am an 18 year old who is attending Huron University at Western.

Passion and Interests

When I was growing up, I would always play basketball at school with my friends, and I would always play catch with my father. Reading is something I recently picked up a few years ago however, I do not read that often, but I am currently reading the Eragon series (I’m on the last book, Inheritance). I’ve always enjoyed walking through nature and appreciating nature whilst being alone, however my parents don’t like me going out alone, especially during COVID, so I always have to go with a friend. As for photography, I started shooting roughly a year ago, and it’s been a really fun hobby to pick up – trying to find dull items and finding a way to turn them into an interesting photo. I just recently picked up working out a few weeks ago (as of June 6th, 2021). It is a fun hobby that challenges my mental and physical strength. Gaming has been with me all my life.

At a very young age, I started gaming. One of the first games I remember was Runescape and/or Club Penguin. However, nowadays and throughout my childhood, it’s moreso Pokemon and Minecraft. A few months ago, peaking top 50 in Generation 7 Doubles OU on Pokemon Showdown. Later, picking up YuGioh (that I still play to this day). As of December 6th, 2020, I started playing League of Legends, which is a very fun (and tilting) MOBA game. As of May 2021, I recently picked up OSU which is a rhythm game where you C L I C K T H E C I R C L E S.

Contact Me

Email me
Discord: Ian Kim#0834