What Is It?

Attack Of The Titans, Duh.

How Did I Get Intrested In Attack On Titan?

Around November or December of 2020, while I still attended in person school, I was mindlessly scrolling through Twitter, and one of my favourite Youtubers, UnitedGamer posted an image of the Attack on Titan Season 4 splash art. Initially, I was very speechless – thinking it looked epic and mysterious, especially the titan behind the buildings. Just by looking at the Season 4 splash art, I was already hooked. Look at this season 4 art!

Attack On Titan Art

I obviously told my friends about my interest in Attack On Titan, since some of them are Anime enthusiasts, and they would occasionally talk about Attack on Titan. However, 4 months passed by, and I never got around to watching Attack On Titan due to school work, university stuff, and a recent introduction to a new game, League of Legends. However, during April Break (March Break got delayed hard where I lived), my friends and I started watching Attack On Titan Season 1. 9 episodes in, I was already addicted, and a hard simp for Mikasa. Now, since I’ve finished Attack on Titan, I think I have the right to call myself some sort of Anime weeb :p.


Season 1

In Attack on Titan, most humans live inside of 3 walls, Wall Maria, which is the outermost wall, Wall Rose, which is the middle wall, and Wall Sina, which is the innermost and safest wall. Shiganshina District, which is where the main protagonists, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin live, is on the south outer edge of wall Maria. The Colossal Titan shows up, and breaches Shiganshina District’s wall in order for the smaller Titans to enter the District and eat humans. Doing so, A crucial member of Eren’s family dies. Later, Eren has a random memory that his father gave him the keys to his forbidden basement. Later, Eren decides to join the Survey corps, and 3 years later, he graduates, joining the scouts, and swearing that he will kill every single titan alive. After some suspicions arise about a new abnormal female titan. Erwin (Leader of the scouts) and Hange (in charge of the 4th scouts squad) figure out who exactly the enemy titan is and come to the conclusion that the enemy titan is a titan shifter like Eren. So the scouts prepare a mission in order to capture and find out who this new enemy female titan-shifter is. Will the scouts be able to succeed in their mission in capturing and defeating the enemy titan?

Season 2

Hange suddenly finds a titan within the walls of wall Sina. One of the section commanders, Miche figures out who the leader of the titans is, and is formally known as the beast titan. Furthermore, it can surprisingly talk to humans, unlike other titans. Hange is informed that someone from the scouts regiment is someone who is of royal blood, therefore can overthrow the “fake” royal government, and furthermore can manipulate other people’s memories. The scouts and Eren find out who exactly the armoured and colossal titan are due to their attempt in capturing Eren harmlessly. Eren refuses, and the armoured and colossal titan turn into their titan forms, fighting Eren and the scouts. However, after the fight, Eren realizes something very crucial about himself. What exactly could that be? Who exactly are the people that betrayed the scouts? Will the scouts manage to defeat the traitors?

Season 3 Part 1

The government captured Eren and someone else from the scouts due to their titan powers. The government acquires one of their biggest enemies in the past on their side, and someone related to someone else very important to the scouts. The government and the past enemy attempts to kill all of the scouts. Suddenly, a new huge titan forms, crawling quickly through to break wall Sina and everything in front of him. Will Eren and the other scouts make it out of there successfully? Will the scouts be able to survive the onslaught of the government’s commands? Will the scouts be able to save Wall Sina from the titan?

Season 3 Part 2

The scouts go to Shiganshina District in order to find out what is in Eren’s basement. Furthermore, another mission was if Eren could block up both broken walls with Eren’s new found titan powers. However, when arriving at Shiganshina District, it wasn’t pretty. The scouts were welcomed by the armored titan, colossal titan, the beast titan, and a bunch of other titans. During the onslaught, 2 crucial members of the scout regiment die, and they find another abnormal titan on the loose. However, the scouts find out a way to save only one person. Who exactly died? Who exactly will be saved? Will Eren and the scouts manage to defeat the armoured, colossal, and beast titan? Will Eren and the scouts make it out safely in order to manage to figure out what is in his father’s almighty secret basement?

Season 4 Part 1

Season 4 part 1 is a timeskip, and it is 3 years after season 3 part 2 of the anime. Not going to lie, I can’t really talk about this season that much since there is a lot to take in, and lots of back stories, therefore leading to spoilers. Overall, the story is really good, but at some points it can be a really confusing season.


I believe that the music in Attack on Titan does a great job to convey emotions, and I believe it is one of the top anime OSTs. If you want to listen to the openings, here. If I had to rank the openings:

(Best –> Worst)

S3P1 - It sounds weirdly nostalgic, I feel like the animations made it nostalgic as well. I like how we got to see Levi and Erwin as a kid, and it seems like Erwin is reflecting on what his father told him and his actions as a kid. We also got to see how Eren Mikasa and Armin grew up. “Like a fallen angel” and the graphic about Eren’s family, and the vocals make me feel like there is more meaning behind it than necessary. The last line of the song, “Fly To Heaven”, I feel like there is also more meaning behind it than it is necessary. Furthermore, I feel like this opening would be something I genuinely listen to on a daily basis.

S2 - I think it’s a very hype opening, and it would definitely be part of my workout or hype playlist. The graphics goes very well with the song, especially when the scouts are running down the wall and the song goes sasageyo sasageyo shinzou wo sasageyo. One thing I liked was that they showed both sides of the battlefield very effectively - with the titans and the scouts. It shows the destruction the titans have made in this world, and how many families and innocent people the titans have eaten. On the flip side, they show that the scouts are dedicated and it doesn’t mattter what is in front of them, they are fearless humans. All that needs to be said about this opening is sasageyo, and it’ll remain iconic.

S1P1 - Ah, the classic. I think it overall is a really good introduction to the anime. It shows the protagonists – Eren, Mikasa, and Armin surrounded by dead comrades because of titans, perfectly describing what exactly Attack on Titan is. Then it shows the invasion of Shiganshina District. There is not much to say about this opening theme, it’s really iconic, and who doesn’t like this opening theme? If any of you guys have osu, I recommend playing this map, it’s really fun.

S4 - I don’t necessarily hate this song, I just think the other season’s intros are much better. There isn’t very much about the graphics, so there isn’t very much to say about this opening. The opening is rather vague compared to the other openings. However, the song has slowly grown on me the more I’ve watched season 4. If you watch the season 4 anime I think you’ll be able to figure out what the words exactly mean, and why there are barely any graphics compared to the other seasons.

S3P2 - Not going to lie, I totally forgot about this opening. Now because I didn’t think it was good, mainly for the fact that Season 3 Part 2 had me really hooked that this was the only season that I skipped. I don’t really have much to say about the opening, since most of the opening is spoilers about what’s to happen in the actual plot. It’s a decent opening to say the least, but it does not really uphold with the other openings in my opinion. I feel like it’s like the Walmart versio of S1P1 opening. However, the graphics and animation of the opening is pretty epic and sick though.

S1P2 - Okay but I’m sorry, I really don’t like this opening that much. To be fair, there are some parts that I kind of enjoy… Okay I lied, I only like the final bit of the opening, where they say “fly high”, and part of the intro. In my opinion, there is a hype intro, but I don’t think the rest of the song holds up to the hype created in the introduction. I also feel like it’s 2 different songs and don’t really fit together. I do not mean to slander the author in any way, but in my humble opinion, I dislike it.

As for the Attack on Titan endings, I’m just going to list them off. If you want to listen to the endings, here. As for the rankings (Best –> Worst), ending 5, ending 4, ending 1, ending 2, ending 3.

Any Flaws?

I think the manga ending didn’t really match up to Eren’s previous actions. I won’t go much into it because some people have not readthe manga. Furthermore, I didn’t really enjoy Eren’s sudden change in season 4. One thing it reminded me of was some sort of teenager high school emo phase.

Also, for season 4, I understand that AOT changed studios, and there was a time skip, but I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I don’t really like the new looks on all the characters.

Spoilers I understand that he works as a spy against Marley, and he understands and sympathises with what Reiner felt, but I think he completely changed as a person, and his views about everything were flawed and completely changed compared to the previous seasons.

Also when Levi was abusing Eren by kicking him at the trial, that kind of made me uncomfortable as well.

Also, Historia's husband was a random farmer boy? I thought that the person Historia was going to marry was someone who was higher up, or someone at least relevant to the story. However in the manga, it suggests that Historia's husband is an identified farmer.

Final Thoughts & Grade

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Attack On Titan, and currently it is one of my favourite shows out of the few that I have watched. As a final grade, I think I would give it a 9.5/10. I understand why most people really like the anime and put it in their top anime. However, I still do feel like there are some minor flaws in the anime, as stated above, which prevented me from giving it a 10/10. Furthermore, I didn’t want to give Attack On Titan a 10 since it is my first anime, and I really had nothing to compare Attack on Titan to except for maybe Avatar The Last Airbender, which Attack On Titan outclasses in my opinion. However, once I watch more anime (Currently I am watching Promised Neverland.), the grades will definitely change, and who knows, the grade of Attack On Titan may increase or decrease.

If you want to watch the manga continuation version right after the Season 4 Part 1 anime, here: AOT episode 117

Once Attack On Titan S4P2 is fully out, I will write my thoughts on it, but I have already read the anime so I know what the ending is