
Throughout high school and elementary school, I was a very quiet person overall – not an interesting person to say the least. I did not have a lot of extracurriculars I participated in, I did not participate that much in class, I was near the bottom of the list of grades, etc… Throughout my grade 11 and grade 12 year, I wanted to change something about my life because honestly, I wasn’t really happy with how my life was going. I picked up some small hobbies like photography and a little bit of photography editing and video editing, and joined a multicultural dance club.

Now that high school is almost over, I have decided I want to change my life completely during University, and become happier and busier with my life. Why University? I think University is the perfect option to change my life completely because you have a lot of free time on your hands, or that’s what I think before going into University. Furthermore, I want to do something with that free time instead of sitting and watching Youtube all day. Since whenever I watch Youtube all day, I feel really bad about myself, always feel down and feeding negatively towards my mental health.

Below are my 5 year goal plans for university:

My Goals

  • Learn Korean
  • Learn Guitar
  • Relearn Piano (Digital Piano, when in apartment)
  • Learn how to sing
  • Get a Job
  • Get Drivers License
  • Start Youtube
  • Continue Photography - get a better camera with lower ISO and learn more about photography
  • Learn more about working out
  • Get an apartment to live in
  • Learn some kind of combat sport
  • Learn more about computers
  • Get involved in these one of these activities in year 1: intramurals, Japanese Culture Club, Huron BMOS Students’ Association, Western Photography Club, and League of Legends team.
  • In year 4, apply for an internship for my major

I’m not exactly sure why, but one thing that has been in my dreams and in daydreams is seeing my older self livestreaming on Youtube, doing this bi-monthly singing performance with my acoustic guitar or piano whilst singing a korean or english ballad. It would be kind of like a performance, I would like 5 or 6 songs and perform them to the audience.